
什么是Web 2.0?

本文由Zend创建者Andi Gutmans的一段视频笔录而成(感谢Chris笔录)。
Andi Gutmans为我们带来了一段非常精炼的Web 2.0诠释,抓住Web 2.0的几个要点,对Ajax、Blog、Wash-Up等Web2.0标志概念以及之间的关系进行了简明扼要的阐述,足以作为Web 2.0的经典定义。
"大家好,我是Zend的Andi Gutmans,今天我们将要讨论的问题是:什么是Web 2.0?
也许你早已听说过Web 2.0的部分特征,例如Blog,Mash-up,Ajax,但是Web 2.0含义究竟是什么?
Flickr、Youtube这些概念网站就可以代表Web 2.0么?
其实不然,Web 2.0的定义更为深入。

Web 2.0由三个部分组成:
第一个部分-RIA,Rich Internet Applications(丰富互联网应用程序)

第二个部分SOA,Service-Oriented Architecture(面向服务架构)
这也是Web 2.0的核心部分,相关词汇:Feeds、RSS、Web Services、Mash-Up。
作为SOA核心词汇之一,Mash-Up其实就在我们身边。例如,Google开放功能模块API接口的行为直接导致一系列以Google Earth为核心的第三方网络服务产生。

第三个部分Social Web(网络社交)
Web 2.0应用大大提高了终端用户的互动性,用户不再仅仅是服务的使用者,同时成为服务的创造参与者。例如,WiKi、Blog、Tag、Podcast等用户交互行为让Web 2.0应用更能"吸引"用户,并且激发用户行为创造资源和内容。

如何才能创建一个成功的Web 2.0网站/产品?


首先,你需要规划一个出色的Ajax支持产品,Ajax特指一系列创建Web 2.0服务的关键技术,是创造丰富用户体验的技术基础,当然,在浏览器支持方面要兼容IE以及火狐。

其次,为你的产品选择合适的编程语言,能够完成你需要创立的网络服务--服务产品是Web 2.0关键,选择好合适的语言是产品的技术基础。


文中关键词(Key Word)总结:

SOA:RSS、Feeds、Web Services、Mash-Up,API
Social Web:Wiki、Blog、Tagging、Podcast、Iterative



hi, my name is andi gutmans, the co-founder of ZEND. today we gonna talk about:what is web 2.0.a lot of people aske me about what web 2.0 is. they've heard of things like blogging,they've heard of mash-up,they've heard of ajax,and other bother words.but they don't quit understand what exactly that means. they've used web 2.o applications such as ???,flikcr,a lot of Yahoo! sights,but still there are something missing in the explanations.

the first part of web 2.0 is RIA,the Rich Internet Applications.some bother words that related to that, are flash,and ajax.what Rich Internet Applications really are is how do we bring the experience from the desktop into the browers,where we from a graphical point of view, or from the useability point of view,such as grag and drop,which are always used in the desktop.

the second piece of web2.0 is SOA.SOA ,that is service-oriented architecture,is one of the key pieces of web2.0. that include bowser words such as Feeds,RSS,Web Services,and everyone heards of Mash-up.what SOA is all about is how do web2.0 applications expose their fuctionality so that other applications can ever join into the functionality, provide a much rich set of application,including that from the mash-ups.

the third piece of web2.0 is the social web. web2.0 applications tend to interact much more with the end-user.the end user is not only a user of the application ,but is a participant,wether it's by tagging the content,wether he is contriveing to the WiKi,or doing podcast through blogging. It is the social nature of the these application that the end user is a integer part of the data of appliction , providing feedback,allow the application to learn from the user through the user using it.

there are rarely three things you should looking forward to challenging. the first is to layout a very good ajax support.Ajax is a set of key technology used to build a web2.0 applications.it is used to creat the rich user experience,and it works in any browser wether firefox or Internet Explorer. the second thing you should looking for is a language with very good web Services support.As we metion before,web services is a key part to provide, we know, and you need a language that make it very very easy to layout you sevices.
the third is to have a language,that is Itrative.what that means is that you can very easily add features,deploy your features,and get those applications updated. it is critical when the web applications are being used by so many user after it's constantly updated.

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