
Web 网页安全色谱

Web 网页安全色谱:

Snow255 250 250#FFFAFA
GhostWhite248 248 255#F8F8FF
WhiteSmoke245 245 245#F5F5F5
Gainsboro220 220 220#DCDCDC
FloralWhite255 250 240#FFFAF0
OldLace253 245 230#FDF5E6
Linen250 240 230#FAF0E6
AntiqueWhite250 235 215#FAEBD7
PapayaWhip255 239 213#FFEFD5
BlanchedAlmond255 235 205#FFEBCD
Bisque255 228 196#FFE4C4
PeachPuff255 218 185#FFDAB9
NavajoWhite255 222 173#FFDEAD
Moccasin255 228 181#FFE4B5
Cornsilk255 248 220#FFF8DC
Ivory255 255 240#FFFFF0
LemonChiffon255 250 205#FFFACD
Seashell255 245 238#FFF5EE
Honeydew240 255 240#F0FFF0
MintCream245 255 250#F5FFFA
Azure240 255 255#F0FFFF
AliceBlue240 248 255#F0F8FF
lavender230 230 250#E6E6FA
LavenderBlush255 240 245#FFF0F5
MistyRose255 228 225#FFE4E1
White255 255 255#FFFFFF
Black0 0 0#000000
DarkSlateGray47 79 79#2F4F4F
DimGrey105 105 105#696969
SlateGrey112 128 144#708090
LightSlateGray119 136 153#778899
Grey190 190 190#BEBEBE
LightGray211 211 211#D3D3D3
MidnightBlue25 25 112#191970
NavyBlue0 0 128#000080
CornflowerBlue100 149 237#6495ED
DarkSlateBlue72 61 139#483D8B
SlateBlue106 90 205#6A5ACD
MediumSlateBlue123 104 238#7B68EE
LightSlateBlue132 112 255#8470FF
MediumBlue0 0 205#0000CD
RoyalBlue65 105 225#4169E1
Blue0 0 255#0000FF
DodgerBlue30 144 255#1E90FF
DeepSkyBlue0 191 255#00BFFF
SkyBlue135 206 235#87CEEB
LightSkyBlue135 206 250#87CEFA

SteelBlue 70 130 180#4682B4
LightSteelBlue 176 196 222#B0C4DE
LightBlue 173 216 230#ADD8E6
PowderBlue 176 224 230#B0E0E6
PaleTurquoise 175 238 238#AFEEEE
DarkTurquoise 0 206 209#00CED1
MediumTurquoise 72 209 204#48D1CC
Turquoise 64 224 208#40E0D0
Cyan 0 255 255#00FFFF
LightCyan 224 255 255#E0FFFF
CadetBlue 95 158 160#5F9EA0
MediumAquamarine 102 205 170#66CDAA
Aquamarine 127 255 212#7FFFD4
DarkGreen 0 100 0#006400
DarkOliveGreen 85 107 47#556B2F
DarkSeaGreen 143 188 143#8FBC8F
SeaGreen 46 139 87#2E8B57
MediumSeaGreen 60 179 113#3CB371
LightSeaGreen 32 178 170#20B2AA
PaleGreen 152 251 152#98FB98
SpringGreen 0 255 127#00FF7F
LawnGreen 124 252 0#7CFC00
Green 0 255 0#00FF00
Chartreuse 127 255 0#7FFF00
MedSpringGreen 0 250 154#00FA9A
GreenYellow 173 255 47#ADFF2F
LimeGreen 50 205 50#32CD32
YellowGreen 154 205 50#9ACD32
ForestGreen 34 139 34#228B22
OliveDrab 107 142 35#6B8E23
DarkKhaki 189 183 107#BDB76B
PaleGoldenrod 238 232 170#EEE8AA
LtGoldenrodYello 250 250 210#FAFAD2
LightYellow 255 255 224#FFFFE0
Yellow 255 255 0#FFFF00
Gold 255 215 0#FFD700
LightGoldenrod 238 221 130#EEDD82
goldenrod 218 165 32#DAA520
DarkGoldenrod 184 134 11#B8860B
RosyBrown 188 143 143#BC8F8F
IndianRed 205 92 92#CD5C5C
SaddleBrown 139 69 19#8B4513
Sienna 160 82 45#A0522D
Peru 205 133 63#CD853F
Burlywood 222 184 135#DEB887
Beige 245 245 220#F5F5DC
Wheat 245 222 179#F5DEB3
SandyBrown 244 164 96#F4A460
Tan 210 180 140#D2B48C
Chocolate 210 105 30#D2691E
Firebrick 178 34 34#B22222
Brown 165 42 42#A52A2A
DarkSalmon 233 150 122#E9967A
Salmon 250 128 114#FA8072
LightSalmon 255 160 122#FFA07A
Orange 255 165 0#FFA500
DarkOrange 255 140 0#FF8C00
Coral 255 127 80#FF7F50
LightCoral 240 128 128#F08080
Tomato 255 99 71#FF6347
OrangeRed 255 69 0#FF4500
Red 255 0 0#FF0000
HotPink 255 105 180#FF69B4
DeepPink 255 20 147#FF1493
Pink 255 192 203#FFC0CB
LightPink 255 182 193#FFB6C1
PaleVioletRed 219 112 147#DB7093
Maroon 176 48 96#B03060
MediumVioletRed 199 21 133#C71585
VioletRed 208 32 144#D02090
Magenta 255 0 255#FF00FF
Violet 238 130 238#EE82EE
Plum 221 160 221#DDA0DD
Orchid 218 112 214#DA70D6
MediumOrchid 186 85 211#BA55D3
DarkOrchid 153 50 204#9932CC
DarkViolet 148 0 211#9400D3
BlueViolet 138 43 226#8A2BE2
Purple 160 32 240#A020F0
MediumPurple 147 112 219#9370DB
Thistle 216 191 216#D8BFD8
Snow1 255 250 250#FFFAFA
Snow2 238 233 233#EEE9E9
Snow3 205 201 201#CDC9C9
Snow4 139 137 137#8B8989
Seashell1 255 245 238#FFF5EE
Seashell2 238 229 222#EEE5DE
Seashell3 205 197 191#CDC5BF
Seashell4 139 134 130#8B8682
AntiqueWhite1 255 239 219#FFEFDB
AntiqueWhite2 238 223 204#EEDFCC
AntiqueWhite3 205 192 176#CDC0B0
AntiqueWhite4 139 131 120#8B8378
Bisque1 255 228 196#FFE4C4
Bisque2 238 213 183#EED5B7
Bisque3 205 183 158#CDB79E
Bisque4 139 125 107#8B7D6B
PeachPuff1 255 218 185#FFDAB9
PeachPuff2 238 203 173#EECBAD
PeachPuff3 205 175 149#CDAF95
PeachPuff4 139 119 101#8B7765
NavajoWhite1 255 222 173#FFDEAD
NavajoWhite2 238 207 161#EECFA1
NavajoWhite3 205 179 139#CDB38B
NavajoWhite4 139 121 94#8B795E
LemonChiffon1 255 250 205#FFFACD
LemonChiffon2 238 233 191#EEE9BF
LemonChiffon3 205 201 165#CDC9A5
LemonChiffon4 139 137 112#8B8970
Cornsilk1 255 248 220#FFF8DC
Cornsilk2 238 232 205#EEE8CD
Cornsilk3 205 200 177#CDC8B1
Cornsilk4 139 136 120#8B8878
Ivory1 255 255 240#FFFFF0
Ivory2 238 238 224#EEEEE0
Ivory3 205 205 193#CDCDC1
Ivory4 139 139 131#8B8B83
Honeydew1 240 255 240#F0FFF0
Honeydew2 224 238 224#E0EEE0
Honeydew3 193 205 193#C1CDC1
Honeydew4 131 139 131#838B83
LavenderBlush1 255 240 245#FFF0F5
LavenderBlush2 238 224 229#EEE0E5
LavenderBlush3 205 193 197#CDC1C5
LavenderBlush4 139 131 134#8B8386
MistyRose1 255 228 225#FFE4E1
MistyRose2 238 213 210#EED5D2
MistyRose3 205 183 181#CDB7B5
MistyRose4 139 125 123#8B7D7B
Azure1 240 255 255#F0FFFF
Azure2 224 238 238#E0EEEE
Azure3 193 205 205#C1CDCD
Azure4 131 139 139#838B8B
SlateBlue1 131 111 255#836FFF
SlateBlue2 122 103 238#7A67EE
SlateBlue3 105 89 205#6959CD
SlateBlue4 71 60 139#473C8B
RoyalBlue1 72 118 255#4876FF
RoyalBlue2 67 110 238#436EEE
RoyalBlue3 58 95 205#3A5FCD
RoyalBlue4 39 64 139#27408B
Blue1 0 0 255#0000FF
Blue2 0 0 238#0000EE
Blue3 0 0 205#0000CD
Blue4 0 0 139#00008B
DodgerBlue1 30 144 255#1E90FF
DodgerBlue2 28 134 238#1C86EE
DodgerBlue3 24 116 205#1874CD
DodgerBlue4 16 78 139#104E8B
SteelBlue1 99 184 255#63B8FF
SteelBlue2 92 172 238#5CACEE
SteelBlue3 79 148 205#4F94CD
SteelBlue4 54 100 139#36648B
DeepSkyBlue1 0 191 255#00BFFF
DeepSkyBlue2 0 178 238#00B2EE
DeepSkyBlue3 0 154 205#009ACD
DeepSkyBlue4 0 104 139#00688B
SkyBlue1 135 206 255#87CEFF
SkyBlue2 126 192 238#7EC0EE
SkyBlue3 108 166 205#6CA6CD
SkyBlue4 74 112 139#4A708B
LightSkyBlue1 176 226 255#B0E2FF
LightSkyBlue2 164 211 238#A4D3EE
LightSkyBlue3 141 182 205#8DB6CD
LightSkyBlue4 96 123 139#607B8B
SlateGray1 198 226 255#C6E2FF
SlateGray2 185 211 238#B9D3EE
SlateGray3 159 182 205#9FB6CD
SlateGray4 108 123 139#6C7B8B
LightSteelBlue1 202 225 255#CAE1FF
LightSteelBlue2 188 210 238#BCD2EE
LightSteelBlue3 162 181 205#A2B5CD
LightSteelBlue4 110 123 139#6E7B8B
LightBlue1 191 239 255#BFEFFF
LightBlue2 178 223 238#B2DFEE
LightBlue3 154 192 205#9AC0CD
LightBlue4 104 131 139#68838B
LightCyan1 224 255 255#E0FFFF
LightCyan2 209 238 238#D1EEEE
LightCyan3 180 205 205#B4CDCD
LightCyan4 122 139 139#7A8B8B
PaleTurquoise1 187 255 255#BBFFFF
PaleTurquoise2 174 238 238#AEEEEE
PaleTurquoise3 150 205 205#96CDCD
PaleTurquoise4 102 139 139#668B8B
CadetBlue1 152 245 255#98F5FF
CadetBlue2 142 229 238#8EE5EE
CadetBlue3 122 197 205#7AC5CD
CadetBlue4 83 134 139#53868B
Turquoise1 0 245 255#00F5FF
Turquoise2 0 229 238#00E5EE
Turquoise3 0 197 205#00C5CD
Turquoise4 0 134 139#00868B
Cyan1 0 255 255#00FFFF
Cyan2 0 238 238#00EEEE
Cyan3 0 205 205#00CDCD
Cyan4 0 139 139#008B8B
DarkSlateGray1 151 255 255#97FFFF
DarkSlateGray2 141 238 238#8DEEEE
DarkSlateGray3 121 205 205#79CDCD
DarkSlateGray4 82 139 139#528B8B
Aquamarine1 127 255 212#7FFFD4
Aquamarine2 118 238 198#76EEC6
Aquamarine3 102 205 170#66CDAA
Aquamarine4 69 139 116#458B74
DarkSeaGreen1 193 255 193#C1FFC1
DarkSeaGreen2 180 238 180#B4EEB4
DarkSeaGreen3 155 205 155#9BCD9B
DarkSeaGreen4 105 139 105#698B69
SeaGreen1 84 255 159#54FF9F
SeaGreen2 78 238 148#4EEE94
SeaGreen3 67 205 128#43CD80
SeaGreen4 46 139 87#2E8B57
PaleGreen1 154 255 154#9AFF9A
PaleGreen2 144 238 144#90EE90
PaleGreen3 124 205 124#7CCD7C
PaleGreen4 84 139 84#548B54
SpringGreen1 0 255 127#00FF7F
SpringGreen2 0 238 118#00EE76
SpringGreen3 0 205 102#00CD66
SpringGreen4 0 139 69#008B45
Green1 0 255 0#00FF00
Green2 0 238 0#00EE00
Green3 0 205 0#00CD00
Green4 0 139 0#008B00
Chartreuse1 127 255 0#7FFF00
Chartreuse2 118 238 0#76EE00
Chartreuse3 102 205 0#66CD00
Chartreuse4 69 139 0#458B00
OliveDrab1 192 255 62#C0FF3E
OliveDrab2 179 238 58#B3EE3A
OliveDrab3 154 205 50#9ACD32
OliveDrab4 105 139 34#698B22
DarkOliveGreen1 202 255 112#CAFF70
DarkOliveGreen2 188 238 104#BCEE68
DarkOliveGreen3 162 205 90#A2CD5A
DarkOliveGreen4 110 139 61#6E8B3D
Khaki1 255 246 143#FFF68F
Khaki2 238 230 133#EEE685
Khaki3 205 198 115#CDC673
Khaki4 139 134 78#8B864E
LightGoldenrod1 255 236 139#FFEC8B
LightGoldenrod2 238 220 130#EEDC82
LightGoldenrod3 205 190 112#CDBE70
LightGoldenrod4 139 129 76#8B814C
LightYellow1 255 255 224#FFFFE0
LightYellow2 238 238 209#EEEED1
LightYellow3 205 205 180#CDCDB4
LightYellow4 139 139 122#8B8B7A
Yellow1 255 255 0#FFFF00
Yellow2 238 238 0#EEEE00
Yellow3 205 205 0#CDCD00
Yellow4 139 139 0#8B8B00
Gold1 255 215 0#FFD700
Gold2 238 201 0#EEC900
Gold3 205 173 0#CDAD00
Gold4 139 117 0#8B7500
Goldenrod1 255 193 37#FFC125
Goldenrod2 238 180 34#EEB422
Goldenrod3 205 155 29#CD9B1D
Goldenrod4 139 105 20#8B6914
DarkGoldenrod1 255 185 15#FFB90F
DarkGoldenrod2 238 173 14#EEAD0E
DarkGoldenrod3 205 149 12#CD950C
DarkGoldenrod4 139 101 8#8B658B
RosyBrown1 255 193 193#FFC1C1
RosyBrown2 238 180 180#EEB4B4
RosyBrown3 205 155 155#CD9B9B
RosyBrown4 139 105 105#8B6969
IndianRed1 255 106 106#FF6A6A
IndianRed2 238 99 99#EE6363
IndianRed3 205 85 85#CD5555
IndianRed4 139 58 58#8B3A3A
Sienna1 255 130 71#FF8247
Sienna2 238 121 66#EE7942
Sienna3 205 104 57#CD6839
Sienna4 139 71 38#8B4726
Burlywood1 255 211 155#FFD39B
Burlywood2 238 197 145#EEC591
Burlywood3 205 170 125#CDAA7D
Burlywood4 139 115 85#8B7355
Wheat1 255 231 186#FFE7BA
Wheat2 238 216 174#EED8AE
Wheat3 205 186 150#CDBA96
Wheat4 139 126 102#8B7E66
Tan1 255 165 79#FFA54F
Tan2 238 154 73#EE9A49
Tan3 205 133 63#CD853F
Tan4 139 90 43#8B5A2B
Chocolate1 255 127 36#FF7F24
Chocolate2 238 118 33#EE7621
Chocolate3 205 102 29#CD661D
Chocolate4 139 69 19#8B4513
Firebrick1 255 48 48#FF3030
Firebrick2 238 44 44#EE2C2C
Firebrick3 205 38 38#CD2626
Firebrick4 139 26 26#8B1A1A
Brown1 255 64 64#FF4040
Brown2 238 59 59#EE3B3B
Brown3 205 51 51#CD3333
Brown4 139 35 35#8B2323
Salmon1 255 140 105#FF8C69
Salmon2 238 130 98#EE8262
Salmon3 205 112 84#CD7054
Salmon4 139 76 57#8B4C39
LightSalmon1 255 160 122#FFA07A
LightSalmon2 238 149 114#EE9572
LightSalmon3 205 129 98#CD8162
LightSalmon4 139 87 66#8B5742
Orange1 255 165 0#FFA500
Orange2 238 154 0#EE9A00
Orange3 205 133 0#CD8500
Orange4 139 90 0#8B5A00
DarkOrange1 255 127 0#FF7F00
DarkOrange2 238 118 0#EE7600
DarkOrange3 205 102 0#CD6600
DarkOrange4 139 69 0#8B4500
Coral1 255 114 86#FF7256
Coral2 238 106 80#EE6A50
Coral3 205 91 69#CD5B45
Coral4 139 62 47#8B3E2F
Tomato1 255 99 71#FF6347
Tomato2 238 92 66#EE5C42
Tomato3 205 79 57#CD4F39
Tomato4 139 54 38#8B3626
OrangeRed1 255 69 0#FF4500
OrangeRed2 238 64 0#EE4000
OrangeRed3 205 55 0#CD3700
OrangeRed4 139 37 0#8B2500
Red1 255 0 0#FF0000
Red2 238 0 0#EE0000
Red3 205 0 0#CD0000
Red4 139 0 0#8B0000
DeepPink1 255 20 147#FF1493
DeepPink2 238 18 137#EE1289
DeepPink3 205 16 118#CD1076
DeepPink4 139 10 80#8B0A50
HotPink1 255 110 180#FF6EB4
HotPink2 238 106 167#EE6AA7
HotPink3 205 96 144#CD6090
HotPink4 139 58 98#8B3A62
Pink1 255 181 197#FFB5C5
Pink2 238 169 184#EEA9B8
Pink3 205 145 158#CD919E
Pink4 139 99 108#8B636C
LightPink1 255 174 185#FFAEB9
LightPink2 238 162 173#EEA2AD
LightPink3 205 140 149#CD8C95
LightPink4 139 95 101#8B5F65
PaleVioletRed1 255 130 171#FF82AB
PaleVioletRed2 238 121 159#EE799F
PaleVioletRed3 205 104 137#CD6889
PaleVioletRed4 139 71 93#8B475D
Maroon1 255 52 179#FF34B3
Maroon2 238 48 167#EE30A7
Maroon3 205 41 144#CD2990
Maroon4 139 28 98#8B1C62
VioletRed1 255 62 150#FF3E96
VioletRed2 238 58 140#EE3A8C
VioletRed3 205 50 120#CD3278
VioletRed4 139 34 82#8B2252
Magenta1 255 0 255#FF00FF
Magenta2 238 0 238#EE00EE
Magenta3 205 0 205#CD00CD
Magenta4 139 0 139#8B008B
Orchid1 255 131 250#FF83FA
Orchid2 238 122 233#EE7AE9
Orchid3 205 105 201#CD69C9
Orchid4 139 71 137#8B4789
Plum1 255 187 255#FFBBFF
Plum2 238 174 238#EEAEEE
Plum3 205 150 205#CD96CD
Plum4 139 102 139#8B668B
MediumOrchid1 224 102 255#E066FF
MediumOrchid2 209 95 238#D15FEE
MediumOrchid3 180 82 205#B452CD
MediumOrchid4 122 55 139#7A378B
DarkOrchid1 191 62 255#BF3EFF
DarkOrchid2 178 58 238#B23AEE
DarkOrchid3 154 50 205#9A32CD
DarkOrchid4 104 34 139#68228B
Purple1 155 48 255#9B30FF
Purple2 145 44 238#912CEE
Purple3 125 38 205#7D26CD
Purple4 85 26 139#551A8B
MediumPurple1 171 130 255#AB82FF
MediumPurple2 159 121 238#9F79EE
MediumPurple3 137 104 205#8968CD
MediumPurple4 93 71 139#5D478B
Thistle1 255 225 255#FFE1FF
Thistle2 238 210 238#EED2EE
Thistle3 205 181 205#CDB5CD
Thistle4 139 123 139#8B7B8B
grey11 28 28 28#1C1C1C
grey21 54 54 54#363636
grey31 79 79 79#4F4F4F
grey41 105 105 105#696969
grey51 130 130 130#828282
grey61 156 156 156#9C9C9C
grey71 181 181 181#B5B5B5
gray81 207 207 207#CFCFCF
gray91 232 232 232#E8E8E8
DarkGrey 169 169 169#A9A9A9
DarkBlue 0 0 139#00008B
DarkCyan 0 139 139#008B8B
DarkMagenta 139 0 139#8B008B
DarkRed 139 0 0#8B0000
LightGreen 144 238 144#90EE90



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The Million Dollar Homepage - Own a piece of internet history!

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About Ajax

NOT Football.

AJAX全称为“Asynchronous JavaScript and XML”(异步JavaScript和XML),是指一种创建交互式网页应用的网页开发技术。它有机地包含了以下几种技术:


AJAX的应用使用支持以上技术的web浏览器作为运行平台。这些浏览器目前包括:Mozilla、Firefox、Internet Explorer、Opera、Konqueror及Safari。但是Opera不支持XSL格式对象,也不支持XSLT。


传 统的web应用允许用户填写表单(form),当提交表单时就向web服务器发送一个请求。服务器接收并处理传来的表单,然后返回一个新的网页。 这个做法浪费了许多带宽,因为在前后两个页面中的大部分HTML代码往往是相同的。由于每次应用的交互都需要向服务器发送请求,应用的响应时间就依赖于服 务器的响应时间。这导致了用户界面的响应比本地应用慢得多。

与此不同,AJAX应用可以仅向服务器发送并取回必需的数据,它使用 SOAP或 其它一些基于XML的web service接口,并在客户端采用JavaScript处理来自服务器的响应。因为在服务器和浏览器之间交换的数据大量减少,结果我们就能看到响应更快 的应用。同时很多的处理工作可以在发出请求的客户端机器上完成,所以Web服务器的处理时间也减少了。



Protopage - AJAX personal bookmarks springboard



SOPMOD M4 Carbine

All Special Forces qualified players will be able to fully customize their SOPMOD M4 Carbine rifles. On this new page in the user interface the player will be able to add and remove mods from their M4, as well as save their favorite configurations as "SETS" for quick changes. The current weapon mods available are as follows:

ACOG 4X Scope
A tritium lit 4x magnification scope that combines long-range, precision marksmanship and close-in aiming speed.

Acog Reflex Sight
An amber dot sight powered by a fiber-optic light gathering system and a tritium lamp, designed for operations in extremely close quarters battle in any condition.

M68 Aimpoint Sight
A red-dot reflex sight designed for operations in a close quarters environment. The M68 allows for quick acquisition of the target with a high hit probability.

M203A1 Grenade Launcher
A shortened variant of the M203, the M203A1 is designed for the SOPMOD M4. The M203A1 adds the capability of delivering explosive ordnance at distances beyond 200 meters.

M583A1 Flare Launcher
The M583A1 is designed for the SOPMOD M4 using the M203A1. The M583A1 flare adds the capability of delivering illumination at distances beyond 200 meters, lasting for roughly 12 seconds. This mod is only available on SFRecon.

Harris Bipod
Lightweight and rugged, the Harris bipod allows the weapon to be supported adding stability and accuracy when shooting from a prone position.

M4QD Suppressor
The M4QD Suppressor suppresses both the sound and flash of the weapon, allowing the operator to avoid detection.

Standard issue carrying handle equipped with an ironsight.

Protects operator's hands from heat dissipation and covers the rail system while not in use.

See this site:

Cannon PowerShot S2 IS

Product Overview:
PowerShot S2 IS is a more advanced model succeeding the PowerShot S1 IS with a high-powered lens and enhanced movie taking functions.

This camera is equipped with an approximately 5.0 million camera effective pixel 1/2.5-inch Charge Coupled Device (CCD). Also, with "DIGIC II", higher resolution and high-speed processing were achieved and the startup time and response time were shortened.

This camera is equipped with a 12x optical zoom lens, which covers a 35 mm film equivalent focal length ranging from 36 mm to 432 mm, and has an f/2.7 to f/3.5 aperture.

By incorporating a UD (Ultra Low Dispersion) lens into the lens element, the chromatic aberration was reduced.

Same as PowerShot S1 IS, this model incorporates an image stabilizer, which reduces the effects of camera shake while shooting.

In addition, the zoom lens's super-smooth, super-fast ultra sonic motor (USM) provides all the zooming speed you need.

This camera can take VGA (640 x 480 pixels) movies with exceptional image quality at a full 30 frames per second. Furthermore, it can shoot movies even in the still image shooting modes and vice versa.

Moreover, digital zoom and manual focus are available as well as adjusting the zoom or exposure, or locking the AF or exposure while shooting a movie.

Movies up to 1GB capacity can be taken.

This camera has 13 shooting modes, the same as the PowerShot S1 IS. And, instead of "Fast Shutter" and "Slow Shutter" you can use the newly added "Special Scene Modes(*1)" to shoot an image with the most appropriate settings for the scene and with "My Colors" you can change image colors.

A stereo microphone and a function to record stereophonic sound were newly added, and the recording quality improved (16bit, 44.1k Hz) also.

This camera is equipped with a Print/Share button. This button lets you easily print your images and download images directly from the camera to a computer (Windows? /Mac OS X) by connecting the camera directly to a direct print compatible printer(*2) or connecting the camera to the computer.

This camera complies with the PictBridge(*3) industry standard and has an additional function for multiple image layout.

This camera is equipped with an upgraded 1.8 inch Liquid Crystal Display (LCD). As a function to switch images back and forth while magnified and slow motion playback for movies is available, the operability in playback mode is advanced remarkably.

This camera operates with four AA batteries and an SD memory card for the recording media. The dimension of the main body is 113.0 x 78.0 x 75.5 mm and the weight is approx. 405g.

Software for transferring your pictures to a computer, organizing pictures, laying out pictures for printing and editing still pictures and movies is included with the camera. This software is available for both the Windows and Mac OS platforms(*4).

Also, as this camera is compatible with Hi-Speed USB 2.0, high-speed image transfer with a Hi-Speed USB 2.0 compatible computer is possible.

Various accessories sold separately such as conversion lenses are available. In addition, the high-power flash that extends the range of flash shooting is available as an accessory sold separately.

1: Special Scene modes: [Foliage], [Snow], [Beach], [Fireworks] [Indoor], [Night Snapshot]

2: Direct print compatible printers include the Canon Compact Photo Printer CP series (Canon Direct Print and PictBridge compatible), the Canon Bubble Jet series (Bubble Jet Direct and PictBridge compatible) and non-Canon PictBridge compliant printers.

3: PictBridge is an industry standard for direct printing that allows you to print images without using a computer by directly connecting digital cameras and digital camcorders to a printer, regardless of the devices' brand and model.

4: Windows 98 SE/Me/2000 SP4/XP (including SP1/SP2), Mac OS X (v10.1.5-10.3)


Sample Images:

Nanotech To Enable 100GB Solid State Memory?

Researchers at Imperial College London claim to have developed technology that would enable the creation of three-dimensional microchips, which will dramatically increase their memory capacity. According to their press release: "by using nanotechnology it is possible to reproduce the key functions of semiconductor electronics in microchips using only the 'spin' of electrons, which is responsible for magnetism, rather than the more conventional 'charge' that traditional microchips use."


Hacking Elevators 101!

Ever wonder how to hack an elevator to own it for your trip and not be stopped on any other floors?

So I found this info surfing the net one day and its been sitting on my computer for along time now forgotten about so I thought I would post it, now that I am posting this it will prob cause chaos to people waiting for elevators everywhere, I will not be held responsible for your actions, plus like I said, I found it on the net. hehe.

"The designers of some elevators include a hidden feature that is very handy if you're in a hurry
or it's a busy time in the building (like check-out time in a hotel). While some elevators require
a key, others can be put into "Express" mode by pressing the "Door Close" and "Floor" buttons at
the same time. This sweeps the car to the floor of your choice and avoids stops at any other floor.
This seems to work on Most elevators that I have tried! Most elevators have the option for this to work,
but on some of them the option is turned off by whoever runs them. This is a rather fun hack, so the next time you are on an elevator, give it a try, you have nothing to lose, And this concludes Hacking Elevators 101!

Elevators that have been tested and worked on:
Otis Elevators (All But The Ones Made In 1992),
Dover (Model Numbers: EL546 And ELOD862),
And Most Desert Elevators(All, But Model Numbers ELD5433 And ELF3655) "


MSN Messenger

MSN Messenger是微软开发的即时通讯软件,原名MSN Messenger Service,能够登录到.NET Messenger Service。

MSN Messenger是最多人使用的即时通讯软件之一,现时的版本除了有基本的文字通讯之外还支援视像会议、语音交谈、多人会议、连线游戏等等伸延功能。并且容许用者在对话中插入它提供的图像表情符号而用者也可以自订其他图像符号,当然用者可以更改对话文字的字型及大小。自第6版起它更能使用者个性化,自订表情符号、对话视窗的背景和主题、显示图片。还有一群软件设计师为它制作第三方的附加软件。

目前Windows版本的MSN Messenger的最新版本为7.5.0299,于2005年8月22日推出。

同时微软公司还开发了Mac OS版本的MSN Messenger。目前Mac OS X版本的MSN Messenger最新版为5.0, Mac OS 9版本的MSN Messenger最新版为2.5.1

2004年8月微软发表可于浏览器上使用的MSN Messenger版本,这样使用者只须使用浏览器而不需要在电脑上安装软件。它的服务可以在移动电话上使用。


MSN(Microsoft Network),是由微软公司在1995年8月24日成立的因特网服务提供商,并随着Windows 95一起发布。MSN原来是一个类似CompuServe及AOL的收费服务,提供拨号上网及增值信息、聊天室等服务,但同时亦允许其它现有互联网用户透过因特网来使用。后来互联网的普及化,使微软将大部份原来要收费的项目转变为免费的MSN入门网站,这是MSN的第二阶段生命。微软在收购Hotmail之后,不断将旗下的服务重新整合,特别是在它的.NET Passport认证技术成熟之后,MSN扩展了Hotmail、MSN Messenger和MSN Spaces服务,后者是一种博客服务。MSN门户也于近日登陆中国,并与北青报等多个内容提供商联合推出内容服务。


最近,人们经常把MSN Messenger简称为MSN,尽管这是不确切的说法。


Synthetic Humanoid Intended for Nocturnal Exploration

Look this site:
The Cyborg Name Generator

width="240" height="180"
alt="Synthetic Humanoid Intended for Nocturnal Exploration"


System 进程 CPU 占用率过高的问题(续)









使用chkdsk /f g:进行检测



System 进程 CPU 占用率过高的问题



Mcafee8企业版,Microsoft AntiSpyware,无防火墙。

我看了一下,System 这个进程平均2秒钟就会占用95%以上的CPU资源。


马上想到用 ProcessExplorer 检查一下。

